Welcome to the Child Support Lien Network
Kentucky Laws
http://www.lrc.ky.gov/KRS/205-00/745.PDF205.745 Child support lien or levy in favor of cabinet -- Filing of notice -- Foreclosure actions -- Immobilization of vehicles of child support obligors.
(1) A child support lien or levy in favor of the cabinet shall be enforceable against all real and personal property of the obligor if he has failed to make child support payment in an amount equal to support payable for one (1) month and the child support has been assigned to the cabinet. In accordance with subsection (4) of this section, the lien or levy shall have first priority over any other lien assigned by any other agency, association, or corporation.
205.7785 Interstate lien to enforce Kentucky child support obligation -- Lien to enforce obligation credited in another state -- Priority of out-of-state lien -- Certification of authority.
(1) An interstate lien may be created and a notice of interstate lien may be filed on all of an obligor's real and personal property that is located in another state to enforce a child support obligation which has been judicially or administratively established in the Commonwealth. The lien shall be filed in the appropriate offices of the state or county where the property of the obligor is located. All aspects of the lien, including its priority and enforcement, are governed by the law of the state where the property is located and shall remain until released by the authorized agent of the party which filed the lien, or in accordance with the laws of the state of filing.
405.465 Income withholding or wage assignments for child support, medical support, maintenance, and medical support insurance orders.
(1) This section shall apply only to those child support, medical support, maintenance, and medical support insurance orders that are established, modified, or enforced by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services or those court orders obtained in administering Part D, Title IV of the Federal Social Security Act.
(2) All child support orders and medical support insurance orders being established, modified, or enforced by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, or those orders obtained pursuant to the administration of Part D, Title IV of the Federal Social Security Act, shall provide for income withholding which shall begin immediately.
(3) The court shall order either or both parents who are obligated to pay child support, medical support, or maintenance under this section to assign to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services that portion of salary or wages of the parent due and to be due in the future as will be sufficient to pay the child support amount ordered by the court.
(4) The order shall be binding upon the employer or any subsequent employer upon the service by certified mail of a copy of the order upon the employer and until further order of the court. The employer may deduct the sum of one dollar ($1) for each payment made pursuant to the order.